When eight medical practitioners, including Li Wenliang, spoke about the virus on social media in early January, they were commanded to keep silent by the police.
Forced control is still more important to the CCP regime than the prevention of epidemics. How can there be any security without Freedom of Speech and honest reporting in the press?
The lies of CCP has caused the tragic and untimely deaths of countless innocent people inside China and around the world.
The Chinese regime is undermining press freedom not only inside China or Hong Kong but exporting censorship worldwide.
Nine out of 26 mainstream media outlets in Hong Kong are being oppressed by Chinese regime authorities and companies led by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members, citing a poll by the Hong Kong Journalists Association. These include leading TV broadcaster TVB and English-language.

For the world to learn the truth about the issue of Coronavirus, China must open Press Freedom and Freedom of Speech, not only to their own people also to the world!
People have the right to enjoy the right to freedom of speech. People should no longer be threatened by a state machine or a political organization with regards to Freedom of Speech.
We are calling for a stop to censorship from the CCP of any medias including social medias. People have a right to a voice.
Western medias who cooperate with the CCP should face justice and be held responsible for economic losses and the deaths of the worlds people who are succumbing to the virus.
State agencies must immediately stop censorship and lift the ban on social medias.
The Chinese people and the rest of the free world are paying dearly due to the unrelenting repression of the freedom of speech and censorship of media by the CCP.
The Communist party of China should face justice and be left in unprecedented global isolation.
Everybody, UNITY is STRENGTH! We are sick and tired of the LIES. Stand TOGETHER as ONE and do your part to HELP give a voice to the VOICELESS. We must put a STOP to the CCP’s LIES and it’s CONTROL of the MEDIA that aims at expanding their CONTROL of the FREE WORLD’S MEDIAS!