Known as the "White Zulu" Johnny Clegg passed away after battling pancreas cancer for 4 years. The South African musician...
A non-denominational pilgrimage to pray for the world peace will bring Christians from all the five continents together at Tafawa...
July 8, 2019, Updated: July 9, 2019 On July 8 President Donald Trump commended environmental progress in the United States....
Stel jou voor dat 'n hele dorp deur die natuur ingesluk word. As jy in Shina aan die mond van...
DEUR CHARLES PENSULO, THE EPOCH TIMES BLANTYRE, Malawi---Negentienjarige Chancy Malata het min vriendelike woorde oor sy voormalige Shinese base. Hy...
Die verslag het daarop gewys dat die liggame meestal van die Nanjing Mediese Universiteit in China gekom het en onwettig...
Bevestigingsbewyse vertel 'n verskriklike verhaal van moord en verminking in Shjina. Verslae van getuies en Shjinese dokters onthul dat duisende...
Dit was ongetwyfeld bewys dat die Shjinese staat groot getalle persone vir hul organe doodmaak en die wêreld moet optree...
There lived a famous and beloved Daoist during the end of the Tang Dynasty called Chen Tuan. He was born...
WELLINGTON ---From Monday 1 July, single-use plastic bags are officially banned in New Zealand for all retail outlets. Waste Minimisation...
If China is to take center stage, Communist Party head Xi Jinping will be facing important issues regarding the poor...
Jesus won't save you --- President Xi Jinping will, all Chinese Christians are being told. The Chinese Communist Party tells...
Performance art like the spoken word is a powerful real-life artform. Artists are able to connect with the audience on...
Sir Geoffrey Nice chair and prosecutor at the June International Criminal Tribunal, said: “Very many people have died indescribably hideous...
Sir Geoffrey Nice chair and prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal, said: “Very many people have died indescribably hideous deaths...
During the Ice Age, massive glaciers covered almost the entire earth. As the oceans receded, the water froze. Sheets of...
Culiacán is a situated in western Mexico city. Sadly the beautiful town has the highest death rate from gun-related crime...
It’s everywhere — the nonsensical, usually obnoxious and obscene, rarely aesthetically pleasing modern art. It is celebrated by higher institutions...