David Wu and Simone A fierce and ambitious warrior named Qin Shubo was renowned as one of 24 heroes establishing...
August 10 and 11, 2019, was the 867th anniversary of the historic city of Kostroma, and the 75th anniversary of...
Imagine this scene, you are visiting a parade and suddenly you see a "boat" come "floating" down the street. In...
Swedish Environmental activist, Greta Tintin Thunberg is just 16 years old but this young lady has a head on her...
There is a story about a person pursuing fame and money, but ending up with nothing. Zou Ziyin of the...
By Zhen Zhong Zhao was good at painting and copied Mi Yuanzhang’s painting style. Mi was a northern painter from...
The Woodstock Poland Rock festival was held once again in Kostrzyn nad Odra on 1-2-3 August. Turned-on youngsters from all...
Modern researchers have discovered that communism was derived from the Illuminati, a secret society founded in Bavaria in 1776. Its...
Many poets in Chinese history not only wrote great poetry, but their verses also appeared to take on a "life...
Is it possible that Chinese characters can fly? Can people’s hearts dance? Is it true that immortal winged-horses can gallop...
May 31, 2019 The 5th "World Realistic Oil Painting Competition" was held again this year. The famous artist professor Zhang...
A Harvard University study demonstrated that an individual person’s happiness is actually an outcome of group actions and largely depends...
It's a fact of life. All people get sick from time to time. It's not pleasant, therefore, keeping healthy and...
There is on podcast a talk show called Minghui Radio, which dominantly talks about Falun Dafa, a spiritual meditation practice...
A new law, that discourages children from believing in God has been introduced under the New Regulations of Religious Affairs...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy9s7kThP2s Reunion | Award-winning Short Film 重逢—獲獎微電影 Films For Freedom2019年3月6日发布订阅 421Click "CC" for multilingual subtitles. When a secret service officer in...
Known as the "White Zulu" Johnny Clegg passed away after battling pancreas cancer for 4 years. The South African musician...