It seems like we are living in a peaceful time. Maybe you haven't noticed yet, but at this point,...
May 20, 2019, | By a Minghui correspondent in Jilin Province, China Mr. Zhang, a resident of Shulan City, Jilin...
It was a fine day in Japan’s Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Peace Boulevard. The three-day 43rd Hiroshima Flower Festival...
One can't help but admire the tenacity and courage of the practitioners of Falun Dafa. The practice has been banned...
A huge sickle appears at the highest star position it is connected to Sagittarius pestilence, famine, and death from military hands...
In 說文解字 (Shuo wen jie zi), the first Chinese dictionary published in the early second century CE, Jade was defined as "beautiful stones". Here...
It's been 20 years --- millions of people who practice a meditation called Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, have...
In 1943, the war was raging between Hitler's Germany and the Soviet Union. To boost the Soviet's morale Joseph Stalin...
In 1943, the war was raging between Hitler's Germany and the Soviet Union. To boost the Soviet's morale Joseph Stalin...
BY ANNIE WU, EPOCH TIMES May 17, 2019 Updated: May 18, 2019 NEW YORK—As speakers stepped up to the podium and...
( In August 2012, the preliminaries of the Asia-Pacific Division of the 5th NTDTV International Chinese Classical Dance Competition were...
Pink dolphins in Hong Kong's harbor? Quite. But their environment is getting more stressful by the day. They are Chinese...
Gedhun Choeki Nyima, who is recognized as Tibet's 11th Panchen Lama was taken when he was six-years-old by the Chinese...
Once upon a time the Bodhisatta---the enlightened Being---was born into a high-class family in Northern India. When he grew up...
Once there was a well-known teacher who taught in and around Benares. He had over 500 students. One of these... Hi there, Hope you enjoy our music channel and Subscribe this "ECV Podcast" YouTube Channel :D
Dragon Boat Festival, also called Duanwu or Tuen Ng Festival, is a traditional holiday observed annually over 2,000 years in...
The updated version of “Irrefutable Evidence” is a documentary exposing the most detailed and comprehensive evidence on the CCP’s crime...