The Sickening Trade of Catskin and Cat Fur from China is Growing

2 min read

Posted by Simone

On Dec. 1, the Fur-Free Society, a group of worldwide volunteers campaigned against the use of animal fur.

A market for cat meat and fur continues to thrive in China, the group stated.  Cat and dog fur are illegal in the U.S. and EU countries, but “their leather comes in without any specs,” they said.

The shocking business of cat fur trade was brought to light in 2017 when Fur Free Alliance Humane Society International/UK discovered that a British high street youth fashion chain shoes selling shoes that contained real cat fur.

Illegal cat fur sold as faux fur

In the same year, Chinese social media sounded the alarm when a man was caught transporting around 500 cats .

Some of the cats were stolen pets and some of them were stray cats. The terrified cats were shoved into tiny cages.

Chinese law does not regard animal rights. There is no law against animal abuse. The Dogmeat and cat fur trade continue to grow.

A kitten

The nonprofit says the practice is “perverted.” The cats are boiled alive in order to harvest their skins. “They are sold to butchers who boil them alive to save their skin to become shoes, gloves, purses, etc. It is sold at stores as leather goods,” a spokesperson for the Non-profit Fur-Free Society, also known as the Anti-Fur Society, claimed in their Facebook post.

According to nextshark, the Organization stated that most cats caught are strays.

Cats sold to butchers

Over two million cats a year, including pet cats, are snatched from the streets and killed for their meat and fur.

The Facebook post has since gone viral with over 83,000 shares, 77,000 reactions, and 19,000 comments.

 “How can anyone do that?” one commentator asked.

The Anti-Fur Society is currently seeking donations to sterilize 100 community cats in Nanjing, which would cost at least $5,000.

So far, the nonprofit managed to collect $1,137 and partnered with 10 vet clinics that have agreed to reduce costs.

Save cats in China by donating here.

Feature Images via Anti-Fur Society

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