300 lawyers, law firm staff, human right activists and family members have been questioned, summoned

30 min read


Statistics by category (lawyers/ non-lawyers):

Residential surveillance at designated location (implemented in the form of secret detention in the following cases): 24 persons (11 / 13)

Residential surveillance: 1 person (1 / 0)

Criminal detention/ arrest: 4 persons (0 / 4)

Unclear criminal compulsory measure: 2 persons (2 / 0)

Enforced disappearance: 5 persons (1 / 4)

House arrest: 1 person (0 / 1)

Forbidden to leave the country: 24 persons (15 / 9)

Temporarily detained, forcibly questioned/ summoned (released/ safe now): 255 persons (124 / 131)

* 14 individuals are listed under two categories; 1 individual is listed under three categories


Residential surveillance at designated location[1] (implemented in the form of secret detention in the following cases) [24 persons]

11 Lawyers:

Wang Yu (Beijing, Fengrui Law Firm, taken away on 9th July 04:00, placed under residential surveillance at designated location for allegations of “inciting subversion of state power. Already 106 days)

Bao Longjun (Beijing, legal activist, Wang Yu’s husband, incommunicado since 9th July 03:00, under residential surveillance at designated location for suspected of committing the crimes of “inciting subversion of state power” and “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”; his lawyers received written letter of rejection by the police on 28th August regarding their request for meeting with Bao for the reason that Bao’s offences involves endangering national security. Already 106 days)

Wang Quanzhang (Beijing, Fengrui Law Firm, incommunicado since 10th July 13:00, criminally detained on allegations of “inciting subversion of state power” and “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, his home in Beijing raided on 5th August. On 31st August, his defense lawyers were informed that the compulsory criminal measure was changed from criminal detention to residential surveillance at a designated location. On 16th October, his defense lawyer made a complaint with the procuratorate; and made another written request for meeting and a document to request for case information to the Hexi Public Security Branch, and requested the officials to pass on a second letter to Wang. Already 105 days)

Liu Sixin (Beijing, legal activist, Fengrui Law Firm administrative assistant, incommunicado since 10th July 08:45, later reported to be criminally detained at Tianjin Hexi Detention Centre. On 17th September, his lawyer was informed that Liu was transferred to residential surveillance at designated location, his exact location being unknown. On 18th September, allegations confirmed to be “picking quarrels and provoking troubles” and “inciting subversion of state power”. Already 105 days)

Xie Yuandong (Beijing, Fengrui Law Firm, trainee lawyer, taken away from home on the 10th July, placed under residential surveillance at designated location for allegation of “inciting subversion of state power”, already 105 days)

Li Chunfu (Beijing, younger brother of lawyer Li Heping, home raided and taken away on 1st August at 22:00 by Tianjin police. On 15th September, his lawyer was informed that Li has been put under residential surveillance, but the location is unclear. Already 83 days.)

Zhou Shifeng (Beijing, Fengrui Law Firm, taken away on 10th July 07:30, lost contact, criminally detained. On 14th August, his lawyer were rejected a meeting with him for the reason that Zhou is suspected of inciting subversion of state power which is a crime that would endanger national security. On 24th September, he is known to be transferred to residential surveillance at designated location. Already 105 days)

Sui Muqing (Guangzhou, taken away on 10th July 23:40, under residential surveillance at designated location for allegations of “inciting subversion of state power”. Already 105 days)

Xie Yang (Hunan, taken away on 11th July 05:40, under residential surveillance at designated location for allegations of “inciting subversion of state power” and “disrupting court order”. Already 104 days)

Zhang Kai (Beijing. On 25th August, he was taken away together with his assistant, Liu Peng, in the city of Wenzhou, Zhejiang. He is held under residential surveillance at designated location by Zhejiang Wenzhou Public Security Bureau for “gathering crowd to disturb social order” and “crime of stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”. On 9 October, Wenzhou Public Security Bureau issued the “Decision to reject a meeting with the criminal suspect” for the third time with the same reason that a meeting with Zhang’s lawyer would “obstruct investigation or possibly betray state secret”. In the midnight of 17th October, Wenzhou police raided the residence of Zhang Kai in Beijing, and notified his younger sister Zhang Yan to report to Beijing Chaoyang District Pingfang Police Station at 14:00 for questioning; also, family members were warned by the police not to share news about the case online. Already 59 days)

Huang Liqun (Beijing, Fengrui Law Firm, incommunicado since 10th July 08:30, once believed to be criminally detained, his lawyer later reported that Huang has already been put under residential surveillance at designated location. Already 105 days)

5 Others (non-lawyers):

Zhao Wei (aka Kao La, Beijing, Li Heping’s assistant, taken away on 10th July 17:00, first criminally detained at Hexi Detention Centre for “picking quarrels and provoking troubles” and crimes endangering national security. On 14th August, her lawyer was informed that the alleged offence has changed to “inciting subversion of state power”. On 17th September, Zhao was put under residential surveillance at designated location. On 20th October, the birthday of Zhao Wei, her mother requested to send clothes and to meet Zhao at Tianjin Hexi Detention Centre, but was rejected. Already 105 days)

Gao Yue (Beijing, assistant of lawyer Li Heping, placed under residential surveillance at designated location for allegations of “inciting subversion of state power” on the 20th July. Already 95 days)

Gou Hongguo (aka Ge Ping, Tianjin, taken away by the police from his home in Beijing in the morning of 10th July, under residential surveillance for allegation of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, his location unknown. It was changed to “inciting subversion of state power” on 24th August. Already 105 days)

Liu Yongping (aka Lao Mu, Beijing, confirmed arrest on 10th July, his family received notification on 4th August, placed under residential surveillance on allegation of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”. On 20th October, Liu’s lawyers visited the investigative department of Public Security Bureau Hexi Branch to enquire about updates of the case. Police replied that meeting is not allowed at the moment as Liu was found suspected of committing the crime of “inciting subversion of state power” in around late July. Already 105 days)

Lin Bin (Monk Wang Yun, from Fujian, taken away on 10th July noon at Sichuan Chengdu airport, his temple Jiu Xian Chan Si in Fujian was raided on 9th July, his mother was forced to leave the temple on 16th August. It is confirmed on 28th August that he was under residential surveillance in designated location by the Tianjin Police for suspected of committed the crime of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles” and threatening national security. Already 105 days)

8 Wenzhou Christian cases

Liu Peng (Wenzhou, Zhejiang. On 25th August, he was taken away together with lawyer Zhang Kai in the city of Wenzhou, Zhejiang. He is held under residential surveillance at designated location by Zhejiang Wenzhou Public Security Bureau for “gathering crowd to disturb social order” and “crime of stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”. On 22nd October, his lawyer received the “Decision to reject a meetiing with the criminal suspect” by the Wenzhou Public Security Bureau. Already 59 days)

Fang Xiangui (Wenzhou, Zhejiang. On 25th August, he was taken away together with lawyer Zhang Kai in the city of Wenzhou, Zhejiang. He is held under residential surveillance at designated location by Zhejiang Wenzhou Public Security Bureau for “gathering crowd to disturb social order” and “crime of stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”. Put under residential surveillance at designated location in late September. Already 59 days)

Huang Yizi (Wenzhou, Zhejiang. He was taken away by police on 11th September, later on his family received the notification of residential surveillance from the Ouhai District Branch of Wenzhou Public Security Bureau for suspected of committed the “crime of stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”. He was transferred to residential surveillance at designated location on 24th September. His lawyer was denied meeting with Huang. On 8th October, his family attempted to send him postcards and clothes at the Ouhai District Public Security Bureau Branch, but was declined. Already 42 days)

Cheng Chaohua (Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Taken away by police on 18th September. On 20th October, his family received a notification from Ouhai District Branch of Public Security Bureau, saying Cheng is put under residential surveillance, and added another alleged offence of “stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”, whereas a previous mailed notification listed the offences as “crime of illegal business operations” and “crime of compromising state secrets”. The request to meeting by his lawyer was rejected. On 20th October, his family attempted to send him clothes at the detention centre, but was told that he has been transferred to another detention location. Already 35 days)

Zhang Chongzhu (Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Disappeared on his way back to Wenzhou from Shanghai in the evening of 8th September. On 25th September, his family received the notification from the police, knowing that Zhang is put under residential surveillance at designated location by Zhejiang Wenzhou Public Security Bureau for he is suspected of committed the crime of “stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”. Already 45 days)

Zhang Zhi (Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Taken away by Wenzhou police on 7th September. After being held under administrative detention for 5 days, he was put under residential surveillance at designated location for the alleged offences of “gathering crowds to disturb social order” and “stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”. Already 46 days.)

Zhou Jian (Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Taken away by police on 26th August. Wenzhou Public Security Bureau has put Zhou under residential surveillance at designated location for alleged offences of “gathering crowds to disturb social order” and “stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”. Already 58 days.)

Cheng Congping (Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Taken away by police on 26th August. Wenzhou Public Security Bureau has put Zhou under residential surveillance at designated location for alleged offences of “gathering crowds to disturb social order” and “stealing, spying, buying, and illegally providing state secrets and intelligence to entities outside of China”. Already 58 days.)


Residential surveillance[2] [1 person]

1 Lawyer:

Chen Taihe (Guangxi, criminally detained for allegations of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles” on 13th July, first detained in Guilin 3rd Detention Centre; first met with lawyer Qin Yongpei on 16th afternoon, no more meeting was allowed thereafter. He was put under residential surveillance at home on 13th August. His lawyers are not able to obtain information regarding his case, and communication with Chen is subject to approval. All bank accounts of both Chen and his wife have been frozen. Alleged offences currently known to be “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, “inciting subversion of state power”, “official embezzlement”. He is able to communicate with outside since 13th September. Already 102 days)


Criminally detention[3] [4 persons]

4 Others (non-lawyers):

Wang Fang (Wuhan, Hubei, taken away from the home of Gen Caiwen on 28th July, placed under 15 days of administrative detention for “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, changed to criminal detention on 8th August. Currently detained in Wuhan 1st Detention Centre. Her lawyer was informed about her arrest in the afternoon on 15th September. Already 87 days)

Yin Xu’an (Wuhan, Hubei, taken away on 28th July, his home raided, placed under 15 days of administrative detention for “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, subsequently extended for 10 days. Changed to criminal detention on 20th August, currently detained at Hubei Daye Detention Centre. His family received the notification of approval of arrest on 29th September. Already 87 days)

Wu Gan (aka Tufu (Butcher), Beijing, administrative staff of Beijing Fengrui Law Firm, human rights defender. He was put under administrative detention for 10 days by the Donghu Branch of Nanchang Public Security Bureau for his protest in Nanchang against the Jiangxi High Court’s rejection to his request for access to case documents in relation to the “Leping death penalty case”. On 27th May, he was criminally detained by the Fujian police for suspected of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles” and “libel”. On 3rd July, He was arrested by the Xiamen Procuratorate for “crime of inciting subversion of state power” and “crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, and the case was investigated by the Siming Branch of Fujian Xiamen Public Security Bureau. On 28th September, he was reported to be transferred to another location from Yongtai Detention Centre in the city of Qingshui, Fujian. Wu’s father was criminally detained again since 25th June for “official embezzlement”. On 22nd October, the defense lawyer Yan again visited the Simin Branch, Ximen Public Security Bureau to ask for the location of detention, the police replied that “we shall follow the law” and has not disclosed the location. On the same day, Wu’s lawyer again submitted an application for meeting with his client to the Simin Branch, and requested to meet with Wu immediately and provide information about Wu’s case in a timely manner. Already 156 days)

Zhai Yanmin (Beijing, criminally detained on 15th June by the Shandong Weifang Public Security Bureau for suspected of “gathering crowd to disturb social order” as a result of his involvement in the case of Xu Yonghe in Weifang, Shandong. During his detention, Zhai’s wife rejected the police’s demand to write a letter of guarantee not to receive media interview, she was also forced to relocate. Already 130 days)


Unclear criminal compulsory measure [2 persons]

2 Lawyers:

Li Heping (Beijing, taken away on 10th July 14:00, placed under compulsory criminal measure. Already 105 days)

Xie Yanyi (Beijing, questioned on 10th July afternoon, taken away on the morning of 12th July, his home raided at noon, placed under compulsory criminal measure, Already 103 days)


Enforced disappearance/incommunicado [5 persons]

1 Lawyer:

Li Shuyun (Beijing, Fengrui Law Firm, taken away on 10th July 11:30, forced disappeared. Already 105 days)

4 Others (non-lawyers):

Wang Fang (Beijing, accountant of Fengrui Law Firm, forced disappeared since 10th July July 08:30. Already 105 days)

Hu Shigen (Beijing, forced disappeared since 10th July. His lawyer reported Hu’s case to the Dewai Police Station in Beijing Xicheng District, which is Hu’s district of household registration, and requested an investigation into Hu’s disappearance. With three attempts so far, his lawyer was informed that Hu is still missing. Already 105 days)

Tang Zhishun (aka Caogen Zhinu, Beijing, on October 6th, 2015, Xing was taken away by Myanmar police from Room 8348 of Huadu Guest House (华都宾馆) in Mongla, Myanmar; on October 9th, his home in Beijing was searched by police; on October 23th, the defense lawyer visited Tianjin PSB Hexin Detention Center to make enquiries about the case but was told that “Tang was not here”. Then the lawyer went to the investigation department but was told that “no information of the case could be found.” Over 17 days. )

Xing Qingxian (Sichuan, October 6th, 2015, Xing was taken away by Myanmar police from Room 8348 of Huadu Guest House (华都宾馆) in Mongla, Myanmar. On October 8th, his home in Chengdu was searched by police of Beixiangzi Police Station, Jinniu Branch, Chengdu Public Security Bureau who were entrusted by Xing’anmeng Public Security Bureau, and the police took away tow desktop computers, one Lenovo notebook, two micro cameras, 10 CDs, one box of name cards; On October 21th, lawyer Ran Tong visited the Xing’anmeng Public Security Bureau, Ulanhot, Inner Mongolia, to make enquires about the whereabouts of Xing. However, the police replied that this case was under the instruction of the Ministry of Public Security and it had ordered the Xing’anmeng PSB to transfer the case to the Tianjin Police. (2) On October 23th, the defense lawyer visited Tianjin PSB Hexin Detention Center to make enquiries about the case but was told that “Xing was not here”. Then the lawyer went to the investigation department but was told that “no information of the case could be found”. Over 17 days.)


House arrest [1 person]

1 Others (non-lawyers):

Bao Zhuoxuan (aka Bao Mengmeng, Beijing. Taken away on 6th October 2015 at Room 8348 of Huadu Guest House in Mengla City at the border of Myanmar and Yunan. On 12th October, his family claimed that Bao is under house arrest at his grandmother’s place in Inner Mongolia. Already 17 days)


Forbidden to leave the country 【24 persons】

15 lawyers

Zhang Qingfang (Beijing, lawyer for Xu Zhiyong, planned to fly from Beijing to US on the 3rd August with his daughter and the child of a friend. Stopped at customs due to a notice from Beijing Public Security Bureau, saying that him leaving the country would endanger state security)

Liang Xiaojun (Beijing, planned to fly from Beijing to US via Japan with his wife and child on 20th August, stopped at Capital Airport, for the reason that him leaving the country would endanger state security)

Cai Ying (Hunan, lawyer for Li Heping, planned to fly from Changsha to Taiwan on 17th August, stopped at customs. Notice from Beijing Public Security Bureau saying that him leaving the country would endanger state security)

Si Weijiang (Shanghai, stopped at Shanghai Pudong airport on the 11th August on notice from Beijing Public Security Bureau)

Li Fangping (Beijing, stopped at Shenzhen Futian checkpoint in late July, for the reason that him leaving the country would endanger state security)

Li Guobei (Beijing, stopped at Beijing airport on 6th September and forbidden to leave the country, for the reason of possibly endangering national security.)

Chen Jiangang (Beijing, stopped at Beijing airport on 6th September and forbidden to leave the country, for the reason of possibly endangering national security.)

Chen Wuquan (Shenzhen, Guangdong, stopped at Luohu checkpoint on 16th August, for the reason of possibly endangering state security)

Yan Wenxin (Beijing, prevented from leaving the country at Shenzhen Luohu checkpoint on 21st August)

Ge Yongxi (Guangdong, stopped at Shenzhen Futian checkpoint in the afternoon of 5th September when he planned to leave for Hong Kong. He was informed by checkpoint officials that he was forbidden to leave the country by Beijing Public Security Bureau for the reason of possibly endangering national security.)

Liu Zhengqing (Guangdong, stopped at Shenzhen Futian checkpoint at noon on 6th September. He was forbidden to leave the country for the reason of possibly endangering state security)

Pang Kun (Guangdong, stopped at Luohu checkpoint on his way to Hong Kong for the reason that the Beijing Public Security Bureau notified that his departure might endanger national security)

Ge Wenxiu (Guangdong, being informed at the border checkpoint that he cannot leave the country when he travelled from Guangzhou East train station to Hong Kong by cross-border train, claimed to be notified by Beijing Public Security Bureau)

Wang Quanping (Guangdong, stopped at the Zhuhai Gongbei checkpoint on his way to send his son to postgraduate study in Macau, immigration official claimed that the restriction was placed by Team No. One of Beijing Public Security Bureau on 6th July for the reason that Wang’s departure might endanger national security)

Huang Simin (Hubei, stopped at Wuhan airport checkpoint on 6th September when she planned to leave for Hong Kong. She was informed by checkpoint officials that Beijing Public Security Bureau claimed that she might endanger national security.)

9 Others (Non-lawyers)

*Individual numbered 1 in below are also listed under other categories

Bao Zhuoxuan (aka Bao Mengmeng, Wang Yu’s son, Beijing)

Su Nan (Beijing, stopped at Beijing airport on 10th August)

Xiang Li (Beijing, prevented from leaving the country on 16th July)

Child of lawyer Yu Hejin (Beijing, Yu Hejin is a lawyer of Fengrui Law Firm, his child studies at an university in Shanghai, was set to leave for Oxford on an exchange trip together with his teachers and classmates on 2nd August, stopped at the airport, for the reasoning that his departure might endanger state security)

Son of lawyer Li Heping (Beijing, 15 years old, was applying for passport on 17th August in Zhengzhou, found out that Beijing Public Security has issued a notice restricting him from leaving the country)

Daughter of lawyer Li Heping (Beijing, 5 years old, was applying for passport on 17th August in Zhengzhou, found out that Beijing Public Security has issued a notice restricting her from leaving the country)

Daughter of Liu Yajie (Guangdong, Exit/Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau being forcibly destroyed in August)

Feng Zhenghu (Shanghai, stopped at Shanghai Pudong Airport on 6 October 2015, he was going to Japan to visit relatives. He was told by customs officers that he was barred to leave the country by Beijing Public Security Bureau and his departure from the country will endanger state security)

Son of lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan (Nanchang, Jiangxi. planned to depart for study abroad, but his application for passport was rejected by Nanchang Public Security Bureau on 15th October, official claimed it was an order by Team No. One of Beijing Public Security Bureau)


Temporarily detained, forcibly questioned/ summoned (released/ safe now)【255 persons】

124 Lawyers:

*Individual numbered 5, 11, 70, 83, 95, 97, 98, 99, 103, 111, 121, 124 in below are also listed under other category

Zhang Weiyu (Shangdong, arrested at Beijing Fengrui Law Firm)

Zuo Peisheng (Beijing, held under control at Fengrui Law Firm)

Jiang Tianyong (Beijing)

Ni Yulan (Beijing, police went to warn her at her home on 12th July at 13:47, and again on 23rd)

Zhang Kai (Beijing)

Liu Xiaoyuan (Beijing, Fengrui Law Firm, under restriction of personal freedom since 10th July 23:00, released on 13th morning)

Cheng Hai (Beijing, questioned on 13th 12:30 by police outside the court

Hu Guiyun (Beijing)

Zhou Ze (Beijing, questioned at his office on the evening of 19th July)

Yu Wensheng (Beijing, questioned in the morning of 9th July, and again on 20th at 1500 together with his wife Xu Yan. Taken away from his home at 23:35 on 6th August, his home raided, returned home at 23:30 on 7th August)

Liang Xiaojun (questioned on 10th July)

Liu Lianhe (Tianjin)

Ma Wei (Tianjin, questioned on 10th July)

Li Weida (Tangshan, Hebei, summoned at 22:30 on 10th July, released at 19:00 on 11th)

Liang Lanxin (Tangshan, Hebei, summoned at 22:30 on 10th July, released at 19:00 on 11th)

Yao Minfu (Tangshan, Hebei, questioned on 15th July at 14:30, released at 17:00)

Ji Laisong (Henan)

Ren Quanniu (Henan)

Meng Meng (Henan)

Ma Lianshun (Henan)

Chang Boyang (Henan, returned home on 12th July 02:00)

Zhang Junjie (Henan)

Miao Jie (Henan)

Zhou Zhichao (Henan, questioned in his law firm on the 30th July)

Wang Lei (Henan, questioned on the 31st July for representing Liu Sixin)

Liu Weiguo (Shandong)

Shu Xiangxin (Shandong, police came to him twice on 14th July)

Xu Hongwei (Shandong)

Fu Yonggang (Shandong)

Wang Yuqin (Shandong)

Xiong Dongmei (Shandong)

Liu Jinxiang (Shandong)

Wang Xueming (Shandong)

Xiong Wei (Shandong)

Li Jinxing (Shandong)

Zhang Hai (Shandong)

Feng Yanqiang (Shandong, questioned in the afternoon of 12th July, forced to leave his law firm for representing Wang Yu)

Xu Guijuan (Shandong, questioned in the afternoon of 12th July)

Zhao Yonglin (Shandong, questioned on 13th July)

Xu Zhong (Shandong)

Liu Jinbin (Shandong)

Liu Shuqing (Shandong, questioned in the afternoon of 14th July; on 16th, being taken to police station on his way to represent the case of lawyer Li Heping, forbidden to represent that case)

Wang Qiushi (Heilongjiang)

Zhang Xuezhong (Shanghai)

Li Tiantian (Shanghai)

Xue Rongmin (Shanghai)

Qin Lei (Shanghai)

Zhong Jinhua (Shanghai, questioned on 14th July, and again on 17th 09:30 – 11:30)

Wang Weihua (Shanghai, questioned on 15th July)

Liu Shihui (Guangdong lawyer, administratively summoned for 24 hours in Shanghai at noon on 11th July for “intentionally disturbing public order”, released at 18:00 on 12th July, but had his freedom of movement restricted for another 6 hours)

Zheng Enchong (Shanghai, taken away and his home being raided in the afternoon of 11th July, released in early morning on 12th; home being raided again on 17th July, 7th August and 15th October)

Zhang Lei (questioned in Suzhou, Jiangsu on 11th July, taken to Zhangsha South Railway Station Police Station on 12th at 22:20, released at 00:40)

Zhu Yingming (Jiangsu, to be questioned on 20th July at 1400)

Cheng Weishan (Jiangsu, questioned on 23rd July, and again on 26th August from 15:00 to 17:00)

Wang Cheng (Hangzhou, first questioned on 11th July; questioned again on 12th, summoned for 21 hours for picking quarrels and provoking troubles; refused third questioning by the police)

Zhuang Daohe (Zhe Jiang, to be questioned on 14th July)

Yuan Yulai (Zhejiang)

Lu Zhoubin (Zhejiang)

Wang Liao(Zhejiang, questioned by national security agent at noon on 13th July)

Wu Youshui (Zhejiang)

Wang Wanqiong (Sichuan)

Yu Quan (Sichuan)

Fu Jianbo (Chongqing)

He Wei (Chongqing)

You Zhonghong (Chongqing, elder brother of lawyer You Feizhu, summoned in the morning of 14th July, released in the afternoon)

Zhang Tingyuan (Chongqing)

Lei Dengfeng (Chongqing)

You Feizhu (Chongqing, taken away in the morning of 14th July, released at 20:55, questioned for the sixth time on 28th)

Tang Tianhao (Chongqing, questioned for the second time on the 22nd July at 09:00, taken to police station at 10:00, released at 23:45)

Huang Simin (Hubei, questioned on 12th July at 23:00, released on 13th at 01:40)

Hu Linzheng (Hunan, released on 12th July at 06:00, phone was installed with app by the authority)

Wen Donghai (Hunan, taken away on 12th July at around 19:00, with summon, suspected of picking quarrels and provoking troubles, released on 13th at around 02:00)

Guo Xiongwei (Hunan)

Chen Nanshi (Hunan)

Wang Haijun (Hunan, questioned twice on 13th July)

Shi Fulong (Hunan)

Yang Jinzhu (Hunan, summoned for the fourth time on 15th July, previously on 11th in early morning and at 14:00, as well as on 14th at 10:25)

Yang Xuan (Hunan)

Zhang Zhongshi (Hunan, received another demand for questioning on the 21st July since taking on lawyer Xie Yang’s case)

Luo Qian (Hunan)

Lu Fangzhi (Hunan)

Zhang Yujuan (Hunan)

Cai Ying (Hunan, questioned on 14th July, asked about Xie Yang; later being warned again as a result of defending for lawyer Li Heping)

Long Langben (Hunan, questioned on 14th July)

Jiang Yongji (Gansu)

Ceng Weichang (Yuannan)

Liu Wenhua (Yuannan)

Yang Mingkua (Yuannan)

Wang Zongyue (Guizhou, questioned for the second time in the afternoon of 16th July)

Li Guisheng (Guizhou)

Zhou Lixin (Guizhou, Fengrui Law Firm, taken to Guiyang Police Station on 12th July at 16:00, now released)

Chen Jianguo (Guizhou, questioned on 14th July)

Zou Lihui (Fujian)

Chen Xuemei (Fujian, questioned on 13th July)

Liu Zhengqing (Guangdong)

Wu Kuiming (Guangdong, questioned by police in his office on 15th July)

Ge Yongxi (Guangdong, taken away by police on 11th July at 21:20, released on 12th at 01:56)

Chen Wuquan (Guangdong, police looked for him on 14th July at 01:40)

Ge Wenxiu (Guangdong, questioned on July 11th, 13th, 15th, and 17th)

Chen Keyun (Guangdong,questioned on 13th July at 17:00)

Chen Jinxue (Guangdong, questioned in the afternoons of July 13th and 14th; questioned for the third time on 16th 12:00)

Wu Zhenqi (Guangdong)

Wang Quanping (Guangdong, questioned on July 12th and 14th)

Wen Yu (Guangdong, questioned on 13th July)

Sun Shihua (wife of lawyer Sui Muqing, Guangdong, demanded by national security agents to write a letter to persuade Sui Muqing to plead guilty on 15th July)

Jiang Yuanmin (Guangdong, police visited his home thrice on 15th July and questioned his neighbours)

Liu Hao (Guangdong, questioned by Bureau of Justice on the 23rd July)

Cui Xiaoping (Shenzhen)

Xu Dejun (Shenzhen)

Zhu Jinhui (Shenzhen)

Pang Kun (Shenzhen, taken to Luo Gang Police Station on 13th July at 16:00, released on 14th 00:15)

Xiao Fanghua (Shenzhen, Guangdong, questioned on 16th July)

Qin Yongpei (Guangxi)

Yang Zaixin (Guangxi, National Security came to his home on 14th July)

Wu Hui (Guangxi, received request for questioning on 14th July, questioned again on 25th from 12:45 to 13:40 at Nanning police station)

Wu Liangshu (Guangxi, questioned in the morning of 16th July)

Huang Chaohui (Guangxi, questioned on 15th July)

Qin Chenshou (Guangxi, questioned on 18th July, ended at about 1400)

Pang Xinxiang (Guangxi, received request for questioning on 15th July)

Zhang Jiankang (Shanxi)

Li Fangping (Beijing, taken away for the second time in Jiangxi Pingxiang on 12th July at 07:30, returned home at 21:30)

Li Yuhan (Liaoning. No detailed record for the first questioning. The second questioning was conducted by Shenyang Public Security Bureau at noon on 19th September. It lasted for about an hour, and Li was asked about a previous letter she sent to Wang Yu.)

Li Junquan (Liaoning, refused police’s request to questioning)

Chen Jiangang (Beijing)

131 Others (non-lawyers)

*Individual numbered 10, 28, 50 in below is also listed under other category

Zhou Qing (Beijing, driver of Fengrui Law Firm)

You Yuping (volunteer of Xiyuan Action, Beijing)

Feng Bin (Beijing, held under control at Fengrui Law Firm)

Yuan Li (Beijing,taken away for questioning at noon on 10th July, released at 21:00, questioned about Laomu)

Jia Qi (Beiing, Kao La’s roommate, taken away on 10th July, released on same day)

Li Xuehui (Beijing, questioned twice on July 10th and 13th, questioned for the third time on 16th 10:59)

Li Xiaoling (Beijing, was searched by the Zhuhai national security agents for questioning on 15th July, searched by national security agents at the home of another person in the early morning of 16th, currently safe)

Du Yanlin (Beijing, taken to police station on 14th July at 16:00, released on 19:00)

Wu Wenjian (Beijing)

Xiang Li (Beijing, questioned for 6 hours in the afternoon of 12th July)

Tian Weidong (net-name Jin Youyuan, Beijing, summoned on 14th July for picking quarrels and proviking troubles)

Lu Shang (Beijing, questioned on 15th July)

Li Maizi (Beijing, questioned by police on 15th July)

Wang Peng (Beijing, questioned twice, threatened by national security agents to be sent to mental hospital)

Xu Yonghai (Beijing, member of house church, questioned by police on 16th July)

Guo Yuhao (Also named Dai Shiqiao, Beijing, arrested on 14th July)

Murong Xuecun (Beijing, questioned on 17th July from 18:00 to 19:30)

Hao Shu’e (Beijing, questioned in the evening of 17th July, taken to police station agin on 22nd while in Sichuan)

Huang Bin (Beijing, national security agents from his home province Jiangxi said they are going to find him on 21st July)

Xu Yan (Beijing, wife of lawyer Yu Wensheng, questioned by police on 20th July at 15:00, police came to her home again on 6th August at about 13:15)

Wang Jinbo (Beijing, questioned from 11:00 till 11:55 on 22nd July)

Li Dongmei (Beijing, questioned by police coming to her house for an article she wrote on 20th July about lawyer Wang Yu)

Liu Di (Beijing)

Dong Xuan (Beijing, daughter of lawyer Ni Yulan, threaten by police twice on July 12th and 23rd)

Zhao Mo (Beijing, arrested on 21st July and sent back to Shandong, detained in police station until 25th)

Wang Qiaoling (Beijing, wife of lawyer Li Heping, police went to her house to summon her on the allegation of picking quarrels and provoking troubles at 11:04 on 6th August, at 1400 broke into her house and taken her away, released after 5 hours)

Fan Lili (Beijing, wife of Gou Hongguo (Ge Ping). Under control by 10 people who claimed to be police for 5 hours on 27th August, her express mail was seized, and she was demanded to move house)

Bao Zhuoxuan (aka Bao Mengmeng, Wang Yu’s son, Beijing, taken away for the third time on 17th July at 09:00, closely monitored in Tianjin after his release. His passport and household registration document being confiscated. Limited freedom of mobility in Inner Mongolia at the moment.)

Zheng Jianhui (Tianjin, taken away by police on 12th July at 16:00 till 13th 04:00)

Bao Haiying (Tianjin, aunt of Bao Mengmeng, questioned on 18th July at 16:00 together with Bao Mengmeng and three others)

Tong Yanchun (Wang Yu’s mother, Tianjin, resides in Inner Mongolia, questioned on 18th July at 16:00 together with Bao Mengmeng and three others. Later subject to prolonged period of surveillance, lost contact for 5 days from 5th to 10th October, during which her grandson Bao Zhuoxuan was taken away in the morning of 6th October in Myanmar together with two others)

Bao Longjun’s mother (Tianjin, questioned on 18th July at 16:00 together with Bao Mengmeng and three others)

Lan Wuyou (Henan)

Hou Shuai (Henan)

Yue San (Henan, questioned on 15th July from 1800 till 1900)

Lu Qiumei (Shandong, summoned on 12th July at 13:00)

Xu Zhihan (Shandong Jinan, was taken away Jinan to Henan from on 11th July at 04:55, released on 14th 10:30, and temporarily taken away again for questioning in the afternoon of 28th August)

Li Xiangyang (Shandong, taken away for fraud on 15th July at 01:00, interrogated until 18:00)

Ding Yu’e (Shandong, questioned on 15th July at 15:55)

Gong Lei (Shandong, questioned twice on July 12th and 13th)

Zhao Zhuyuan (Shangdong, questioned on 21st July at her house)

Li Fawang (Shanxi, taken away on 11th July 04:00, released on 13th at 11:00)

Li Dawei (Gansu)

Yufu (Wang Fulei, Shenzhen, being expelled from Shanghai on 11th July, and again on 15th)

Yang Qinheng (Shanghai, taken away on 14th July at 10:15, released at 20:30)

Wang Fazhan (Dangshan, Shanghai, taken away on 14th July at 12:10, released on 16:05)

Zhou Guozhun (Shanghai, pastor, questioned on 16th July)

Li Xuezheng (Shanghai, questioned in the afternoon of 15th July)

Ren Naijun (Shanghai, taken away on 12th July, released)

Feng Zhenghu (Shanghai, summoned on 10th July at 22:30 for “using other methods to disturb public order”, released on 11th at 04:30)

Lu Zhenping (Nantong, Jiangsu, questioned on 13th July)

Shan Lihua (Nantong, Jiangsu, questioned on 14th July, and again on 15th at 16:30)

Qu Hua (Nantong, Jiangsu, questioned on 13th July)

Zhang Xiuqin (Nantong, Jiangsu, questioned on 13th July)

Ji Hongbing (Nantong, Jiangsu, questioned on 16th July)

Han Lei (Nantong, Jiangsu, questioned on 16th July)

Hu Cheng (Changsu, Jiangsu, questioned on 13th July)

Gu Xiaofeng (Changsu, Jiangsu, questioned on 13th July from 17:30 till 19:30)

Gu Yimin (Changsu, Jiangsu, questioned at police station on 16th July from 14:00 to 16:00, accompanied by his wife Xu Yan, questioned again on 24th)

Xu Zhengbiao (aka Jiang Chun, Jiangsu Nanjing, questioned on 14th July at 15:00, police came to his house on 25th)

Xu Juan (Nanjing, Jiangsu, summoned on 13th July)

Zhao Changdong (Nanjing, Jiangsu, questioned on 17th July at 18:00)

Pan Lu (Suzhou, Jiangsu, questioned by national security agents on 14th July)

Wang Mingxian (Suzhou, Jiangsu, taken away on 14th July 17:30, released at 22:30)

Xu Wenshi (Suzhou, Jiangsu, questioned on July 10th and 11th)

Yao Qin (Suzhou, Jiangsu, taken away on 14th July 17:30, released at 22:34)

Fan Yonghai (Suzhou, Jiansu, questioned in the evening on 18th July)

Wang Xiaoli (Changzhou, Jiangsu, questioned on 14th July at 21:00)

Ding Hongfen (Wuxi, Jiangsu, taken away on 15th July at 16:40, released on 16th at 15:30)

Ge Jueping (Ben Bo, Jiangsu Suzhou, was surrounded at home by special police on 14th July 13:00, was not taken away. On 4th September 08:00, the police evacuated, they were stationed at his home for 52 days. He was harassed and blocked at Suzhou train station on his way to Beijing on 6th September. After boarding the train, he and his wife were harassed by the railway police, and were blocked by police at Changzhou station, and later on taken away by Suzhou police.)

Lu Guoying (Suzhou, Jiangsu, wife of Ge Jueping, been kept at home since 14th July. On 4th September 08:00, the police evacuated, they were stationed at his home for 52 days)

Shen Aibin (Wuxi, Jiangsu, summoned on the allegation of “disturbing order at a public place” at about 0600 on 28th, released at about 07:00 on 29th July, taken away again on 30th morning, released on 31st at 17:00, placed under residential surveillance at his home, summoned again on 7th, 16th and 28th August)

Yu Huaiqian (Hangzhou, Zhejiang, questioned on the 17th July at 16:30)

Wu Gaoxing (Zhejiang, summoned on the 15th July, released)

Zou Wei (Zhejiang, questioned in the afternoon of 16th July)

Chen Zongyao (Chen Chen, Zhejiang)

Zhen Jianghua (Guangdong, taken away at 21:20 on 10th July, released at 03:00 on 11th)

Xiao Yuhui (Guangzhou, Guangdong, questioned twice on July 13th and 14th)

Wang Aizhong (Guangzhou, questioned on 13th July at 16:30, released at around 20:00)

Chen Ronggao (Zuixialaogao, Guangzhou, questioned on 13th July at 15:00, returned home at night)

Jia Pin (Guangzhou, Guangdong, questioned on 15th July at 11:00, forcibly expelled from Guangdong)

Yuan Guozhi (Guangdong)

Wu Bin (net-name Xiucai Jianghu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, repatriated by Zhejiang national security agents from Guangzhou to Zhejiang on 15th July and beaten up; being questioned for one day at police station on 16th)

Huang Yijie (Guangzhou, Guangdong, taken away on 14th July at 17:37, released at 21:00, warrant available)

Xu Xiangrong (Guangzhou, Guangdong, questioned on 14th July, ended at 18:00)

Liu Hui (Guangzhou, Guangdong, forcibly repatriated to Shaanxi on 13th July at 22:00)

Li Weiguo (Guangzhou, Guangdong, questioned on 13th July from 08:30 to 12:30)

Huang Minpeng (Guangzhou, Guangdong, questioned on 16th July from 12:00 to 14:00)

Huang Zijing (Guangzhou, Guangdong, questioned on 18th July)

He Yanyun (aka Yu Ke, Guangzhou, Guangdong, questioned on the morning of 22nd July, national security agents demanded him to move out, summoned again on 14th August by national security agents)

Huang Shaoyun (Shaoyang, Hunan, questioned on 16th July in Shenzhen, Guangdong)

Hu XX (Hengyang, Hunan, expelled from Dongguan, Guangdong in the evening on 9th July)

Su Shangwei (Foshan, Guangdong, questioned on 17th July from 09:00 till 11:30)

Liu Sifang (Guangdong, taken to police station for questioning on 14th August from 07:00 till 16:00)

Guo Chunping (Guangzhou, on 28th August, he was arrested for receiving the courier of Wang Yu T-shirt. He was taken away when receiving the courier, was later sent back to his hometown Henan. His mobile phone and laptop were seized and returned on 6th September)

Huang Xi (Guangzhou, as a result of his involvement in “Wang Yu T-shirt” action, he was taken away by Xintang Yongxin Detention Centre on 28th August. Released on 6th September. He was interrogated for 9 times in 10 days, including 3 times in police station and 6 times in Zengcheng City Detention Centre, mainly on the t-shirt action.)

Liu Jinlian (aka Liu Yajie, Guangzhou, as a result of her involvement in the “Wang Yu T-shirt” action, she was taken away by the officials from the Xintang Yongxin Police Station on 28th August. She was confirmed to be criminally arrested on 31st August for suspected of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, being held in Zengcheng City Detention Centre. Till 29th September)

Huang Yongxiang (Guangzhou, as a result of his involvement in the “Wang Yu T-shirt” action, he was taken away by the officials from the Xintang Yongxin Police Station on 28 August. Criminally detained for “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, being held in Zengcheng City Detention Centre. His lawyer was rejected a meeting with Huang for the reason that his case involves crimes endangering national security. Till 29th September)

Wei Xiaobing (Guangzhou, as a result of his involvement in the “Wang Yu T-shirt” action, he was taken away by the officials from the Xintang Yongxin Police on 28. Criminally detained for “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”, being held in Zengcheng City Detention Centre. Till 29th September)

Lai Rifu (aka Huamanlou, Guangzhou, as a result of his involvement in the “Wang Yu T-shirt” action, he was taken away in the afternoon on 9th September, and properties seized by police from his home. He met with his lawyer on 11th, and reported that he is suspected of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”. Till 29th September)

Huang Yuzhang (Guangxi, taken away by police on 14th July 19:30. Released at 23:30)

Su Shaoliang (Guangxi, questioned at police station on 15th July 12:15 – 15:30)

Tan Aijun (Guangxi, questioned on 15th July at around 16:00, released on 16th 01:00)

Mo Qianli (Guangxi, questioned on 12th July for 1 hour)

Zhou Shichen (Guangxi, questioned from 16:30 to 17:30 on 11th July)

Zhang Wei (Guangxi, questioned in the morning on 16th July)

Luo Ming (Guangxi, questioned on 15th July 01:00, with a warrant, released)

Duan Qixian (Guangxi, summoned on 15th July from 17:00 to 16th 02:00 for picking quarrels and provoking troubles)

Wang Debang (Guangxi, summoned on 15th July from 15:00 to 17:00)

You Jingyou (Fujian, questioned on 13th July afternoon)

You Minglei (Fujian, questioned at home on 13th July from 15:00 to 17:00)

Dai Zhenya (Fujian, questioned at police station on 12th July from 20:20 to 21:40, taken to the police station again on the 20th for further questioning)

Pan Xidian (Fujian, questioned on 12th July, returned at midnight, questioned again on 14th, lost his job on the 21st because of the questioning, national security agents now keep round the clock watch outside his house)

You Jinxu (Fujian, question at police station on 13th July from 14:15 to 17:30)

Lu Zuoyu (Fujian, questioned on 12th July, already home)

Wu Xinfa (Wuhan, Hubei, questioned on the 27th July from 22:00 to 23:00)

Wei Peng (Wuhan, Hubei, lost contact since 27th July, placed under 15 days of administrative detention for picking quarrels and provoking troubles, already released)

Geng Caiwen (Wuhan, Hubei, questioned and detained on 27th July, her home raided, placed under administrative detention for 39 days on the allegation of picking quarrels and provoking troubles, changed to criminal detention on 11th August, released on 11th September, detained for 45 days.)

Ou Biaofeng (Hunan, questioned on 13th July at 16:00, taken to police station for statement, returned home at 20:30, questioned again on 21st from 11:00 till 14:00)

Huang Zhiping (net-name Huang Yijian, Hunan, questioned on 14th night)

Wei Defeng (Lawyer Xie Yang’s assistant, Hunan, taken away on 11th July at 05:40, released)

Li Zhengran (Hunan, taken away on 16th July from 10:00 to 17:00)

Xiao Yong (Hunan)

Xu Lin (Hunan, taken away for questioning from 15:00 on 13th August to 12:00 on 14th August)

Xu Xilian (Jiangxi, questioned on 11th July from 08:30 to 11:30)

Huang Yanming (Guizhou, taken away on 14th July at 07:40, released on 15th at 02:00)

Luo Yaling (Chongqing, national security agents went to her house twice on July 12th and 20th)

Shan Yajuan (Heilongjiang, questioned on the afternoon of 31st July)

Quan Yushun (Heilongjiang, mother of Xu Chunhe, been monitored at a care home in Harbin, returned to Qingan on 9th August)

Jiang Jianjun (Liaoning Dalian, criminally detained on 12th July for picking quarrels and provoking troubles, released after 37 days)

Yu Mingwen (Sichuan, taken away and questioned on 28th August, being asked about the photos of him wearing the Wang Yu t-shirt and the source of the t-shirts.)

Search and Confiscation

Fengrui Law Firm

Lawyer Li Jinxing’s office (NGO Xiyuan Action Office)

Lawyer Li Heping’s office in Beijing

Statistics by Region (location of incidence) (detained, disappeared or house arrested / forbidden to leave the country or questioned):

Beijing 61 (17 / 44)

Guangdong 45 (1 / 44)

Jiangsu 25 (0 / 25)

Shandong 25 (1 / 24)

Hunan 21 (1 / 20)

Zhejiang 19 (9 / 10)

Guangxi 17 (1 / 16)

Shanghai 16 (0 / 16)

Henan 12 (0 / 12)

Fujian 8 (0 / 8)

Chongqing 8 (0 / 8)

Hubei 6 (2 / 4)

Tianjin 6 (0 / 6)

Guizhou 5 (0 / 5)

Sichuan 4 (1 / 3)

Liaoning 3 (0 / 3)

Heilongjiang 3 (0 / 3)

Hebei 3 (0 / 3)

Yunnan 3 (0 / 3)

Jiangxi 3 (1 / 2)

Gansu 2 (0 / 2)

Inner Mongolia 1 (1 / 0)

Shaanxi 1 (0 / 1)

Shanxi 1 (0 / 1)

Myanmar 2 (2 / 0)

[1] “Residential surveillance” is one of the enforcement measures prescribed in the PRC Criminal Procedure Law (CPL, Articles 64, 69, 72-75). Article 73 of the CPL states that “Residential confinement shall be executed at the residence of a criminal suspect or defendant; or may be executed at a designated residence if the criminal suspect or defendant has no fixed residence. Where execution of residential confinement at the residence of a criminal suspect or defendant in a case regarding compromising national security, terrorist activities, or extraordinarily significant bribery may obstruct criminal investigation, it may be executed at a designated residence with the approval of the people’s procuratorate or public security authority at the next higher level. However, residential confinement may not be executed at a place of custody or a place specially used for handling cases.” According to our experience, the coercive measures would lead to torture easily.

[2] Refer to footnote (1)

[3] Criminal Detention: The names in this list are all criminally detained. According to China’s Criminal Procedural Law, when police detains someone, they have to present a warrant. They should immediately send the detainee to the detention centre within 24 hours. Unless the family cannot be notified or the detainee is in suspected of endangering national security crimes, terrorist activities and such notification would impede the investigation, within 24 hours, the family of the detainee should be notified. If the circumstances that would impede the investigation has stopped, the family of the detainee should be immediately notified.

[ CHRLCG ] China human rights lawyers concern group

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